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Eksen Health Boarding Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center Istanbul

Spina Bifida Disease and Treatment

Spina Bifida Disease and Treatment


Spina Bifida Disease and Treatment

What is Spina Bifida?

Spina Bifida Disease and TreatmentSpina Bifida is a spinal disease. It occurs as a result of incomplete closure of the spinal cord.

Already in the word, it means open spine or discrete spine. It is the most common congenital disease in children.

Diagnosis of Spina Bifida problems occurred during the development of spinal cord during delivery.

The spinal cord is a structure composed of nerves, which provide healthy movement by transmitting instructions from the brain to the muscles.

How Does Spina Bifida Occur?

Spina Bifidahas not yet been medically explained. Genetic factors spina bifidahas no effect on its formation or its effect is not fully established.

It is thought to be caused by folic acid deficiency caused by the mother. Folic acid is a secretion that perceives an important role in closing the spinal cord during the formation process of the baby.

This secretion may negatively affect the baby's development when the mother is scarce.

Especially in babies of mothers with epilepsy spina bifidadeveloped more frequently. It is not yet known exactly why and how it develops in today's medicine.

How to Tell Spina Bifida

Spina Bifida development of the baby In the 3rd week understandable discomfort.

Almost most of the infant's structural disorder can be observed with ultrasound during pregnancy follow-up. Abnormalities called neural tube defects can be detected at 16th or 20th weeks of pregnancy.

Spina Bifida Treatment?

Spina Bifida It includes a lifelong rehabilitation program.

Special physical therapy programs are applied according to the patient's condition.

In adulthood rehabilitation programs. İstanbul anadolu yakası, Ataşehir’de bulunan Eksen Sağlık Bakım Evi spina bifida patients in our clinic special physical therapy and care programs carried out.

Program Dr. He is supervised by doctors and physiotherapists in his field. You can visit our institution at any time regarding the treatment of spina bifida disease. From here to address you can reach.

Or 0 216 518 0 518 You can contact us at phone number, treatment and nursing home deals You can get information about.

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