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Eksen Health Boarding Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center Istanbul

Rehabilitation of Paralyzed Patients

Felçli Hasta Rehabilitasyonu - Fizik Tedavi


Rehabilitation of Paralyzed Patients

Rehabilitation of Paralyzed Patients: Paralysis (Stroke) is a disease usually seen in advanced and middle ages.

Diyabet, yüksek tansiyon, kalp hastaları, kalpte ritim bozukluğu yaşayanlar, kalp kapaklarında problemi olanlar, sigara ve/veya kahveyi çok tüketenler, fazla kiloları olanlar ve günlük yaşamında çok az hareket eden kişiler stroke hastalığına yakalanma riskine çok yakındırlar.

Stroke treatment it should be tried to be treated under the control of physician. Especially those living in rural areas paralysis is trying to apply non-medical treatment program to patients undergoing treatment. This type of treatment is extremely wrong and wrong. It may cause more progression of the disease.

Stroke treatmentaim to eliminate the deficiencies affecting the daily life of the patient.

It is also very important for her social and spiritual life that she does her daily needs independently (going to the toilet, drinking water, eating).

Treatment of paralyzed patientsSpecial programs are implemented. Paralysis from the bed in which the patient has been hospitalized, to the food he eats. The patient needs to be treated like a newborn.

The purpose of stroke rehabilitation, patient's ability to walk again, to meet daily needs, arising from the hand or foot paralytic status.

Paralyzed Patient Exercises

Felç (stroke), It is a clinical picture that develops as a result of occlusion or rupture of the vessels in the brain. As a result of blockage or bleeding in the brain vessels, not enough blood goes to the affected area. Brain cells that cannot get enough oxygen and sugar in a short time die. As a result, some functional disorders related to the body occur.

In these patients, one or half of the body;

  • Weakness or shakiness
  • Swallowing difficulty
  • Imbalance
  • Speech / language disorders
  • Loss of vision in one eye
  • Behavioral / cognitive symptoms may occur.

Paralysis (StrokeThe quality of life of patients is also affected due to addiction and other complications caused by A comprehensive, tailored to the individual and needs rehabilitation The implementation of the program is important in terms of increasing the gains of the person. made in the early rehabilitation Prevention of complications ensures that the person's functions are maintained at the best level. During this period, positioning, edema control, orthoses and joint range of motion exercises are performed.

Sick and old nursing home in Istanbul special rehabilitation procedures are implemented. Patients daily exercises is done in order to regain health.

In today's medical understanding spinal cord paralysis treatment programs have been developed in order to meet the daily needs of a patient like a healthy person. Elderly nursing home in our clinic located on the Asian side of Istanbul, stroke treatments, paralyzed patient rehabilitation programs are implemented.

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We wish you healthy days…

10 Replies to “Felçli Hasta Rehabilitasyonu”

  1. Hello, my father had a stroke last Sunday due to a cerebral hemorrhage, his right side is paralyzed, but when touched, he has difficulty speaking. i love so much

    1. Hello there,
      Kanama hastalarında rehabilitasyon kademeli ve kontrollü olmalı yeniden zorlama ile beyin kanama riski geçirmesi olası. Mutlaka oturma dengesi ve ayakta durma dengesi çalışılmalı…his ve motor kontrol ayrı şeyler hasta hareket ettirebilir ama hissedemeyebilir veya hissedebilir ama hareket ettiremeyebilir hepsi bir bütün içinde değerlendirilmeli

  2. hello, our mother had a clot in the brain 18 months ago and her right side was paralyzed, she cannot speak and is in need of care now, is 78 years old, is there a chance of some improvement with physical and rehabilitation, thank you

    1. Hello, The patient needs to be evaluated by our doctors with detailed reports. If you wish, you can bring your patient to the examination free of charge by making an appointment between 10:00 and 14:00 on weekdays. For more detailed information, you can call 02165180518. We wish you healthy days.

  3. Merhaba
    annem 76 yaşında ağustos ayı nın 11 inde kalpten dolayı pıhtı atması sebebiyle sol kol ve sol bacak ta felç oluştu istanbul da bir kurum a yatırdık fakat fizik tedavi hizmeti yetersiz kalıyor şu anda bilinç açık konuşabiliyor sol bacakta his mevcut dokununca hissedebiliyor yatılı olarak daha ciddi bir fizik tedavi görmesi gerekiyor ücret seçenekleriniz hakkın da bilgi alabilirmiyim bir de böyle bir tedavi yaklaşık ne kadar sürebilir

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