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We can answer all your questions about our services.
As Eksen Care Medikal Health Industry and Trade Limited Company, we attach great importance to the security of your personal data.
In accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVK Law), Social Services and Child Protection Agency Law No. 2828 and relevant regulations, it will record and archive your personal information required to provide medical care and surveillance services, and share it with authorized third parties/institutions when necessary. and in the ways listed in the KVK Law.
As Eksen Care Medikal Health Industry and Trade Limited Company, in order to provide you with accommodation and health services as a data controller
By recording your personal information, we declare that we will process it in our archives in any case in the manner and subject to the conditions stipulated in the KVK Law.
Among the purposes of processing your personal data;
is located.
Legal reasons for the processing of your personal data;
Fulfilling our legal obligations arising from the Health Services Basic Law No. 3359 and the Law No. 2828 on the Social Services and Child Protection Agency, and related legislation such as the Regulation on Private Nursing Homes and Nursing Home Elderly Care Centers, Health Practice Communiqué, Patient Rights Regulation, and medical care It is the planning and management of financing, provision of surveillance and humanitarian services.
In order to provide medical care, surveillance and meeting humanitarian needs services and subject to the conditions in the KVK Law;
can be shared.
Your personal data is collected verbally, visually, in writing or electronically from the switchboard, internet, mobile applications, physical spaces and similar channels, depending on the nature of the service provided, within the scope of the above-mentioned purposes.
Our Organization, which, in the capacity of data controller, carries out data processing activities such as obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, reorganizing, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making available, classifying or preventing the use of your personal data;
a) To prevent the unlawful processing of your personal data,
b) To prevent unlawful access to personal data,
c) To ensure the protection of personal data
It is responsible for taking all kinds of technical and administrative measures to ensure the appropriate level of security for the purpose and takes these measures to the maximum extent. In addition, additional security measures, which are determined by the Personal Data Protection Board and are not limited to the following, are also taken in the processing of sensitive personal data.
Çalışanlarımız bilgi güvenliği, hasta mahremiyeti, kişisel verilerin korunması konularında eğitilmektedir. Kişisel veri güvenliği konusunda kurumsal politika ve prosedürler yazılıdır. Kişisel veriler kullanma amacı ortadan kalktığında imha edilmektedir. Kişisel veri içeren sistemlerimiz rutin olarak denetlenmektedir. Hizmet alınan veri işleyenler ile sözleşmeler yapılmaktadır. Güncel yazılımlar kullanılmaktadır. Siber saldırılara karşı düzenlenmiş güvenlik ağımız bulunmaktadır. Kişisel veri içeren sistemlere erişim yetkisi sınırlıdır. Antivirüs ve anti spam programlar kullanılmaktadır. Sistemlerin kötüye kullanılması halinde delillerin toplanarak Kişisel Verileri Koruma Kurumu’na bildirilir ve Savcılığa suç duyurusu yapılır. Kişisel verilerin bulunduğu fiziksel ortamlarımızda yangın, sel vb. tabi afetlere karşı koruma tedbirleri alınmıştır ve bu ortamlar kilitli tutularak giriş / çıkışlar kontrol altındadır.
In accordance with the KVK Law and relevant legislation;
Bu belirtilmiş haklarınızdan birini ya da birkaçını kullanmanız halinde ilgili bilgi tarafınıza, açık ve anlaşılabilir bir şekilde yazılı olarak ya da elektronik ortamda, tarafınızca sağlanan Contact bilgileri yoluyla bildirilir.
We have prepared your requests within the scope of KVK Law within the framework of compliance with the aforementioned Law. Application Form You can fill it out and send it to our organization.
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We can answer all your questions about our services.