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Eksen Health Boarding Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center Istanbul

Patient Care with Tracheostomy

Patient Care with Tracheostomy


Patient Care with Tracheostomy

Patient Care with Tracheostomy: Tracheostomy (Tracheostoma) is a method of drilling a hole into the trachea of the patient by various surgical methods. Tracheostomy It is applied in emergencies.

For patients with closed airwaysIn cases of trauma to the face or neck, a surgical operation is performed.

Tracheostomy Cannula

It is applied to patients who have difficulty in breathing, breathing with a breathing tube or breathing mask, and bedridden patients who cannot breathe for long periods of treatment. Device connected to the patient tracheostomy cannula It called.

Tracheostomy cannula hygienic environment. Tracheostomy that is not performed with specialist physicians and health personnel may cause various respiratory infections.

Patients who cannot breathe on their own for more than 10 days patient with tracheostomy surgical procedure should be initiated to the patient.

Patient care with tracheostomy is a process that needs to be done with extreme caution.

Due to the fact that the patient is not exposed to any infection, regular hygienic controls are performed. tracheostomy (tracheosto to) changing the external cannula on certain days,

regular and continuous cleaning of the internal cannulae, keeping the patient's room temperature constant, listening to the patient's breathing and lung sounds, regular control of the oxygen level is extremely important.

How is the patient with tracheostomy aspirated?

In patients with tracheostomy, inability to swallow, inability to control saliva and cough, may result in a bit hole in the throat in the hospital environment.

With the help of this hole, the epidemic accumulated in the mouth is pulled out with the help of aspiration machine. This withdrawal process is called aspiration. Since aspiration is important, it should be performed by specialist physicians.

Care of elderly patients with tracheostomyElderly nursing home in Istanbul In our clinic, it is performed in hygienic environments and patient control is kept under 24/7 supervision.

Eksen Health with our specialist physicians and health personnel patient with tracheostomyIn order to speed up the treatment process, regular controls and changes are made.

Patient care with tracheostomy, İstanbul Ataşehir’de bulunan nursing home private rooms in our clinic. The hygiene and health of the patients are checked at any time with our expert health personnel.

You can get more detailed information about tracheostomy patient care and other services in our institution or you can visit our institution to observe the conditions more closely.

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We wish you healthy days…

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