kısmi felç egzersizleri, felç egzersizleri, felç fizik tedavi yöntemleri, felçli hasta fizik tedavi


Partial paralysis exercises

Kısmi felç-inmeli hastalara uygulanması gereken egzersizler:

Hemiplegia Egzersizleri eklem movement Muscle stiffness and joint stiffness (contracture) are prevented by moving the paralyzed arm and leg in ROM exercises. If the arm or leg cannot be moved at all by the patient, these movements should be done by someone else.

passive to this ROM exercise is called. If the patient can move his arm or leg a little, but cannot complete the desired movement and someone else needs help to complete it, then assisted (assistive) ROM exercises are performed. If the patient can perform joint movements himself, then active ROM exercises are applied.

walking exercises

Hemiplegia Egzersizleri felçli Re-walking of the patient is an important treatment goal. For this purpose, standing balance is provided, weight transfer, stepping, walking exercises on parallel bars, step climbing exercises Applied.

Transfers, that is, moving from bed to chair, activities such as sitting and getting up are taught. Treadmill with body weight support to start walking training earlier in patients who cannot carry their body weight, anti-gravity treadmill veya yürüme robotu ile robotik rehabilitation applicable.

Such cutting-edge methods ensure that walking exercises are started intensively in the early period when the plasticity of the brain is highest.

cardiovascular exercises

paralyzed patients One of the biggest challenges for people is the feeling of fatigue. For patients who regain walking ability, the next goal is to increase walking distance.

Most patients have difficulty walking 500 meters at a steady pace. Cardiovascular exercises are aimed at increasing the heart's blood pumping capacity and endurance (endurance). It can be applied in different ways such as walking on a treadmill and water exercises.

balance exercises

Restoring balance while standing and walking paralytic in patients physical It is one of the most important goals of treatment. Factors such as posture, changes in muscle tone, and weakness disrupt the patient's balance. In some strokes, the parts of the brain and cerebellum that regulate balance are damaged, and therefore balance is lost.

Balance rehabilitation can be done with simple tools or special computerized balance devices. Improving the balance reflects positively on many areas such as the patient's walking speed, independence, lying and dressing skills. Fall prevention measures are another part of balance rehabilitation.

What Kind of Services Are Offered in the Treatment Center Related to Stroke Recovery?

Yatarak fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon merkezimizde sunduğumuz tedavi hizmetleri şu şekildedir:



  • Rehabilitation After Hip & Knee Prosthesis
  • Rehabilitation after Femur & Hip Fracture
  • Ameliyat – Cerrahi Sonrası Fizik Tedavi & Rehabilitasyon
  • Lumbar & Neck Hernia Treatment
  • Fibromyalgia Treatment
  • Osteoarthrit Treatment
  • Rheumatoid Arthrit Treatment
  • Sciatica Treatment
  • Treatment of Priformis Syndrome
  • Muscle Pain and Chronic Pain Treatment
  • Bedridden Rehabilitation


  • Dementia Rehabilitation
  • Alzheimer Rehabilitation
  • Fear of Fall treatment
  • Walking Rehabilitation
  • Treatment of Balance Disorder
  • Preventive Rehabilitation (Increasing Joint-Muscle Strength)
  • Cognitive Rehabilitation
  • Bedridden Rehabilitation

Yatılı fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon seans ücretleri hastanın kurumumuzda aldığı seans ve bakım hizmetine göre değişmektedir. Kurumumuzda odalarımız tek yataklı, çift, üç ve dört yataklı olarak değişmektedir. Oda fiyatlarını bizimle iletişim kurarak alabilirsiniz. Kurumumuzun şartları ile alakalı Galeriyi gezebilirsiniz.

Eksen Yatılı fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon merkezimizin SGK ile anlaşması bulunmamaktadır. Ücretler ile alakalı yine bizleri arayabilirsiniz.
Sağlıklı günler dileriz.

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