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Eksen Health Boarding Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Center Istanbul

Post-Hospital Care

Post-Hospital Care


How is post-hospital care performed?

Out of the hospital care of patients Special attention needs to be given (Post-Hospital Care). Because patients need to be supported in nutrition, respiration, rest, excretion, movement, bathing, dressing and communication.

Care should be taken in the care of patients when they need the most support in their lives.

What kind of care should be given to patients?


  • All necessary precautions should be taken to ensure that patients are easily fed orally. Bedridden patient these processes are more important.
  • It should be ensured that the patient sits comfortably and upright in bed or chair. Foods should pay attention to nutrients, should be fed in proportion. They should not be allowed to rush while eating.
  • They should not be allowed to lie down for half an hour after eating. It should be ensured that enough liquid is taken during feeding. Dehydration of the body can cause serious problems.

Oral care

  • Ensuring the integrity of the mouth, helping to maintain the health of the teeth and gums will help patients relax.
  • The mouths of the patients are open to drying and development of infection. For this reason, according to the condition of the mouth care can be increased. The care of the teeth should also be considered.

Massage application

  • Massage should be applied to the back of the patients to remove any sputum in the lungs. This should be done at least half an hour after the meal.
  • This massage should be applied if the patient cannot appoint sputum.

Excretory system

  • The fact that the patients are tied to the bed or have to stay for a long time causes difficulty in urination.
  • In such cases, warm application to the circumference of the breech will help to urinate. In addition, it may be useful to play the water flowing from the fountain.

Bed sores

  • If the patient stays in bed for a long time, the pressure applied to the body should be reduced in order to prevent bed sores.
  • The patient position should be changed at half-hour intervals. Bed linen should be clean and stretched. Bearings should be capable of air circulation.

Elderly nursing home located on the Asian side of Istanbul our clinic post-hospital care Our service is done with our expert health personnel.

In the post-hospital care process, the patients are checked 24/7 and all facilities are used in order to shorten the treatment processes.

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We wish you healthy days.

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