What is cerebral palsy and how is it treated?

Beyin Felci Nedir ,Beyin Felci tedavisi


What is cerebral palsy?

What is cerebral palsy? stroke also known as cerebral palsy and in other words hemiplegiaIt occurs when a part of the brain is deprived of oxygen due to occlusion in the vessels or bleeding into the brain tissue. In this case, temporary or permanent damage occurs in brain cells.

With this damage, the first symptom that appears in the foreground is weakness and loss of movement in the left side as a result of a problem in the right brain, and in the right arm and leg as a result of a problem in the left brain.

Effects of Cerebral Palsy

Some people may experience numbness, numbness, and pins-and-needles sensation in a part of the body. Difficulty in speaking, loss of consciousness, drowsiness, inability to notice the surroundings, inability to understand the questions asked and what to do can be seen.

Visual disturbances, headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, difficulty in swallowing and balance problems may occur. It is one of the most important causes of death after heart disease and cancer in the world.

What should a person with cerebral palsy do?

Paralysis In the treatment of losses that occur after a period of physiotheraphy and rehabilitation.

What kind of a program is carried out in our institution regarding the treatment of cerebral palsy?

In the treatment, we treat the problems of the person such as walking and using his hand, by means of various physical therapy devices and appropriate exercise programs in the physical therapy program we provide in 2 sessions per day in our institution.

Simultaneously, with the team consisting of our professor and doctor staff, the applied physiotheraphy program is supported and followed by medical treatment.

Our aim cerebral palsy It is to eliminate the problems that arise after the end of the operation as a team, as soon as possible and in the best way.

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Öncelikle günlük uygulanan seanslar doktorumuzun muayenesinden sonra hastalara özel olarak uygulanmaktadır. Onun için yatılı fizik tedavi görmesi gereken hasta öncelikle doktor tarafından muayene edilip fizyoterapistler eşliğinde fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon programı uygulanır.

Yatılı fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon seans ücretleri hastanın kurumumuzda aldığı seans ve bakım hizmetine göre değişmektedir. Kurumumuzda odalarımız tek yataklı, çift, üç ve dört yataklı olarak değişmektedir. Oda fiyatlarını bizimle iletişim kurarak alabilirsiniz. Kurumumuzun şartları ile alakalı Galeriyi gezebilirsiniz.

Eksen Sağlık Yatılı fizik tedavi ve rehabilitasyon merkezimizin SGK ile anlaşması bulunmamaktadır.  Ücretler ile alakalı yine bizleri arayabilirsiniz.
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