What is Geriatrics?
Geriatric Patient Care and Treatment: Geriatrics, is the science of old age that serves for the maintenance of elderly health. Health problems with old age in people will show itself a lot.
Geriatrics, It is the medical science that serves for the elimination of health problems of the elderly, their survival in healthy conditions, protection from diseases and their social existence.
Importance of Teamwork in Geriatrics
İnsanlar yaşlandıkça tüm organlarında, dokularında rahatsızlıkların meydana geldiği, birbiriyle bağlı olarak hastalıkların oluştuğu gözlemlenmektedir. Hastaların sağlık, psikolojik ve toplumsal olarak kontrollerinin yapılmasından sonra birçok bilim dalı tarafından elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesi, buna bağlı olarak gerekli tedavilerin uygulanması gerekmektedir. Bundan dolayı geriatric assessments should be made by experts from many disciplines. (Geriatric Patient Care and Treatment)
Geriatric specialized in the field at the time of examinations, closely related to the science of old age and very knowledgeable geriatricians The presence of a doctor called is very important. Other people who will complete the team; nurses, dietitian, cardiologist, psychotherapist, physical therapist, pharmacologist.
After the diagnosis, if the elderly person is unable to handle himself / herself; some of the people who will be part of the team during the treatment process should be relatives of the patient. are relatives of the patient.
Geriatric care is a very laborious process. Therefore geriatric care health personnel specialized in Istanbul nursing home In our nursing clinic we are serving with our health professionals who specialize in geriatrics.
All members of the team firmly examine the findings according to their area of expertise. during the meeting held after the elderly individual; they determine a common treatment for all health problems, risks that may jeopardize their health and what will be done to make the future life more healthy and peaceful.
Who needs geriatric assessment?
Hastaların psikolojik, fiziksel ve sağlık durumları göz önünde bulundurularak geriatric whether they need examination. However, in general, all individuals over 65 years of age in developed countries geriatric the idea that they should go through the examination was accepted.
Other Services As Eksen Health:
Paralysis (Stroke – Hemiplegia) Treatment
Sağ/Sol Taraf Paralysis Treatment
Beyin Kanaması Sonrası Rehabilitasyon
Rehabilitation after Coagulation
Hemiplegia Tedavisi
Rehabilitation of Brain & Spinal Cord Tumors
Cancer Rehabilitation
Parkinson's Treatment
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Treatment
Spinal Cord Paralysis Treatment
Ataxia Rehabilitation
Gullian-Barre Rehabilitation
Occupational Therapy (Ergotherapy)
Speech Therapy
Bedridden Rehabilitation
Swallowing Rehabilitation
NG’li PEG’li Hasta Rehabilitasyonu
Rehabilitation After Hip & Knee Prosthesis
Rehabilitation after Femur & Hip Fracture
Ameliyat – Cerrahi Sonrası Fizik Tedavi & Rehabilitasyon
Lumbar & Neck Hernia Treatment
Fibromyalgia Treatment
Osteoarthrit Treatment
Rheumatoid Arthrit Treatment
Sciatica Treatment
Treatment of Priformis Syndrome
Muscle Pain and Chronic Pain Treatment
Bedridden Rehabilitation
Dementia Rehabilitation
Alzheimer Rehabilitation
Fear of Fall treatment
Walking Rehabilitation
Treatment of Balance Disorder
Preventive Rehabilitation (Increasing Joint-Muscle Strength)
Cognitive Rehabilitation
Bedridden Rehabilitation
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