İnme (felç) geçirmiş hastaların en önemli ihtiyaçlarından birisi de stroke tedavi merkezi varlığıdır. Bu merkezlerde yapılan tedavilerde başarı oranlarının evlerde yapılan tedaviye çok yüksek olduğu görülmüştür.
What is Stroke / Stroke (Brain Attack)?
İnme / Felç; Beynimizi besleyen atardamarlarda meydana gelen tıkanıklık sonucunda vücudumuzun bilişsel işlevlerini yerine getirememesi durumuna denir. stroke tedavi merkezi stroke durumunda başvurulması gereken bir kurumdur.
How Does a Stroke / Paralysis Occur?
Stroke / Paralysis defines the dysfunctions that occur in the brain due to the problems in the vessels in the brain.
Beyin damarlarının tıkanması (iskemi), beyne pıhtı atması (emboli) veya celebral hemorrhage (hemoraji) kaynaklı olabilir.
Stroke can occur due to many diseases. Therefore, the treatment of stroke varies according to the underlying disease.
In our country, cerebrovascular diseases are the second most common cause of death after cardiovascular occlusion.
Strokes (paralysis) not only cause death, but also bring with them serious disability, incapacity and the need for care.
Özellikle stroke (felç)’lerden sonra meydana gelen felçler, yani vücudun bir uzvunun güçsüzleşmesi, oldukça sık görülen ve kişinin iş yapabilme kapasitesini önemli ölçüde etkileyen bir durumdur.
What are the Types of Stroke / Paralysis?
If we count some sub-types of Stroke (Paralysis), the following table will emerge;
- blockages
- A vessel in the brain is blocked due to various reasons, resulting in deterioration in cerebral circulation.
- bleeding
- Leakage of blood from a vessel into the brain tissue.
What Are the Symptoms of Stroke?
The symptoms of strokes are generally similar. If we count the symptoms of stroke, they are as follows:
- state of weakness or paralysis
- speech disorder aka aphasia
- Visual and other cognitive impairment
- Balance and gait disorders
- dementia condition
- Behavioral/cognitive symptoms
How Is Stroke Treated?
The treatment of stroke (Strokes) is now "urgent" as it is in heart attacks.
For this reason, strokes are now called “brain attack, brain attack”.
With the newly developed treatment methods, it is tried to dissolve the clot that causes cerebral vascular occlusion and to prevent the decrease in blood flow to the brain and tissue damage due to cerebrovascular occlusion.
This new treatment method can only be applied within the first 3 hours. Therefore, paralyzed patients should be transported to emergency services, such as heart attacks, and it should be determined by brain imaging techniques whether it is a stroke due to vascular occlusion or cerebral hemorrhage.
Eğer damar tıkanıklığına bağlı stroke (felç) ise ve hasta da ilk 3 saat içinde bu tedaviye uygun hale getirilebilmiş ise pıhtı çözücü tedavi uygulanabilmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu pıhtı çözücü tedaviyle artık “zaman beyindir” deyimi ortaya çıkmıştır.
Every lost second leaves irreversible damage to the brain.
What Services Are Offered in the Stroke Treatment Center?
Eksen İnme tedavi merkezi olarak inpatient physical therapy hizmeti vermekteyiz. Bunun yanında uyguladığımız tedaviler ve verdiğimiz hizmetler üç ana başlık olarak saymak mümkündür:
- Paralysis (Stroke – Hemiplegia) Treatment
- Sağ/Sol Taraf Paralysis Treatment
- Beyin Kanaması Sonrası Rehabilitasyon
- Rehabilitation after Coagulation
- Partial stroke (Felç)Tedavisi
- Rehabilitation of Brain & Spinal Cord Tumors
- Cancer Rehabilitation
- Parkinson's Treatment
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Treatment
- Spinal Cord Paralysis Treatment
- Ataxia Rehabilitation
- Gullian-Barre Rehabilitation
- Occupational Therapy (Ergotherapy)
- Speech Therapy
- Bedridden Rehabilitation
- Swallowing Rehabilitation
- NG’li PEG’li Hasta Rehabilitasyonu
- Rehabilitation After Hip & Knee Prosthesis
- Rehabilitation after Femur & Hip Fracture
- Ameliyat – Cerrahi Sonrası Fizik Tedavi & Rehabilitasyon
- Lumbar & Neck Hernia Treatment
- Fibromyalgia Treatment
- Osteoarthrit Treatment
- Rheumatoid Arthrit Treatment
- Sciatica Treatment
- Treatment of Priformis Syndrome
- Muscle Pain and Chronic Pain Treatment
- Bedridden Rehabilitation
- Dementia Rehabilitation
- Alzheimer Rehabilitation
- Fear of Fall treatment
- Walking Rehabilitation
- Treatment of Balance Disorder
- Preventive Rehabilitation (Increasing Joint-Muscle Strength)
- Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Bedridden Rehabilitation
in our center Stroke Rehabilitation
Istanbul Anatolian Side Atasehir‘de bulunan Felç (stroke) Rehabilitasyonu merkezimizde prof doctor and expert staff are served in the best conditions.
To get detailed information about your patient and to see the treatment programs and clinical conditions we apply boarding physical therapy and rehabilitation We invite you to our center.
Air conditioning, wc, television, internet, nurse call system, such as the modern clinical environment and our friendly team provide the best contribution to the healing process of your patient.
Our Telephone Number: 0 216 518 0 518
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